The UK European Market Infrastructure Regulation (UK EMIR) on derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories imposes requirements to improve transparency and reduce the risks associated with the derivatives market.

REGIS-TR UK LTD was incorporated on 11 March 2019 to maintain a continuous reporting stream for UK clients. We have also maintained our existing EU TR status to provide reporting services to firms in the EU-27.

Our Relationship Managers can help you with further details in relation to the onboarding process, including:

  • Technical specifications
  • Legal and pricing information
  • Access to free testing environment

Authorised by the FCA

Flexible Account Models

Our account model is flexible and adaptable to your specific reporting requirements

Competitively Priced

Access to completely transparent fee schedules and tailored cost illustrations


This update includes final versions of the UK EMIR Validation Rules and schemas, which will become effective when UK EMIR REFIT comes into force on the 30th September 2024.